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Homeschool Resource Classes
HS Apologetics
Total Fee
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Bible and Apologetics by The Book. Cliff McManis
Class Description
This course will present an introductory Biblical Study of Christian Apologetics on a High School level. The course will function in the spirit of Acts 24:10, 25:8, 25:16, 26:1-2, as well as 1 Peter 3:15. These verses express the term “Apologia” (“to give an answer or defense”). The Apostles Paul and Peter faced the onslaught of Roman Power, Greek Philosophy and Pagan Morality. Both men effectively defended “Whom” they believed and “Why” they believed it.
Students will learn from scripture, how to live and articulate a reasoned response to the prevailing cultural philosophy and morality of our day. The course will address current cultural issues, that are of particular relevance to Christian High School Students. We will explore the root of each cultural issue, it’s impact on our world, and the scripture’s reasoned answer (Apologia) to it.
Students will be briefly introduced to the current, main “Apologetic” approaches: “Presuppositional”, “Evidentiary” and “Classic”, “Cumulative Case”.
Open discussion and debate will be encouraged. Comprehension will be evaluated by weekly discussion participation, periodic testing and a Final Test.