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Enriching, Mentoring, Mastering, and Achieving
29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
7-8 World History
Total Fee
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Text: BJU World Studies (2nd Edition) provided by the mentor for a $10 rental fee (which will be returned when the book is returned)
Class Description
The fall semester will begin with the study of medieval towns in the 1100s. We will travel through the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Exploration, the Age of Absolutism, the transformation of Europe, the World Wars, Industrialism, and Communism. An excellent and interesting history text forms the foundation of this course, and there will be a variety of supplementation as well. This class will include weekly homework assignments, quizzes, tests, group activities, and projects.
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