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29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
7-8 General Science
Total Fee
(80 + 25 materials)
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science, Textbook 3rd Edition
ISBN- 10: 194650675 ISBN-13: 978-1946506573
Class Description
Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science Text 3rd Edition
Please be sure it’s 3rd edition. (picture of the world on cover)
General Science will cover many branches of science including: astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, earth study, geology, paleontology, and environmental science. This will give students a solid foundation in that broad field of study.
They will also learn:
`How to utilize the proper scientific method in a detailed and engaging way.
`How to record data and report it.
`How to read, create, and utilize several types of graphs.
The Student Notebook is a great asset to have!
It gives students a place to fill in blanks as they read. This keeps them focused and it also gives them a daily schedule so they know what's expected of them daily. It also contains lab report forms for each experiment. This prepares them for formal lab reports in high school. There will also be test that can be taken at home and brought in.
Exciting topics we will cover include:
*Early Scientist
*Greek Scientist
*The “Enlightenment” and the Industrial Revolution
* Scientific Method
*Documenting and Interpreting Experimental Results
*Earth Science- Astronomy
*Solar Eclipses
*Lunar Eclipse
*Exploration of Space
*Geology and Paleontology
*Meteoroogy and Oceanography
*Chemical Reaction
*General Physics
*Newton’s Laws
*Life Science
*General Biology
*Marine Science
*Environmental Science