Enriching, Mentoring, Mastering, and Achieving
29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
7-12 Intermediate Band (Tu)
Total Fee
(130 + 10 materials)
Class Prerequisites
See Class Description
Text / Materials Required
See Class Description
Class Description
CLASS PREREQUISITES: Students who have completed at lease one semester of Beginning Band at EMMA, or who have learned the basics of playing their band instrument through another source. Students who have experience in band class, but wish to try a new instrument must either enroll in Beginning Band for the new instrument, or seek out private instruction on the new instrument to bring their skills up to an Intermediate, or second-year playing level. Skills needed include: assembling their instrument, producing a good tone, reading and playing basic rhythms (whole, half, quarter and eighth notes and rests) and playing a one octave range on their instrument in the keys of Concert Bb and Concert Eb. Students must also be comfortable playing in the 2/4, ¾, and 4/4 time signatures. Playing by ear is a wonderful skill to have, but Intermediate Band students must be able to read music at an intermediate level. Prospective students who are new to EMMA Band need to meet with Mrs. Campbell for a skills assessment to determine proper class placement. Please email lifelongmusiclovers@gmail.comto set up a time for assessment.
TOTAL FEE: $140 ($130 + $10 materials fee) - includes at least four private or semi-private lessons during the semester.
- Foundations for Superior Performance (for their own instrument)
- A portable music stand
- An instrument in good working order. Intermediate band students must play one of the following:
- Flute
- Clarinet or Bass Clarinet
- Alto, Tenor or Baritone Saxophone
- Trumpet
- Horn
- Trombone
- Baritone
- Tuba
- Percussion - Percussionists must be willing to play bells, snare, and auxiliary instruments, no one gets to stay on the same instrument all the time.
Intermediate Band students will continue the study of their individual instrument within the context of the full band class. Focus will be on proper embouchure, good tone quality, reading music and playing notes and rhythms in the clef and key of their chosen instrument. Each week, students will work in class on new skills, and will complete and turn in assignments from home using SmartMusic. Every student will be scheduled for at least four private or semi-private lessons during the semester either before or after class.
Contact mentor with placement questions