Enriching, Mentoring, Mastering, and Achieving
29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
6 Ancient History
Total Fee
(60 + 5 materials)
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
BJU Press Heritage Studies 6 student text, 3rd ed.
Class Description
Students will tour the lands, meet the peoples, and explore the cultures of ancient civilizations. This text is a beautiful, well-organized book that covers the ancient civilizations of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Special emphasis is given to how these civilizations influenced the world today. Your child will be introduced to these topics within a Biblical worldview and will be encouraged to compare the beliefs of the represented religions with true, Biblical Christianity. This is a fascinating study and I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to share these special units of study with your child. I take seriously the opportunity to help prepare my students for higher levels of study. There are tests on each unit, helping students learn the art of time management and study skills needed to achieve success in testing.