Enriching, Mentoring, Mastering, and Achieving
29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
6-8 Worldview
Total Fee
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
The Bible and Observation Worksheet Manual Printed by Mentor (Charge for Manual approximately $10.)
Class Description
Middle school is a time of great transition as our children leave childhood behind and mature into young adults. Perhaps for the first time they are asking the “big” questions of life such as: Why am I here? On what basis do I make decisions? Is Christianity really true?, etc. This course helps students know how to base the foundation for their faith solidly on God’s Word. Wordview is simply how we view the world. Everyone has a worldview. Every textbook is composed from a certain worldview as is every piece of literature, music, art, etc. That worldview is based either on God’s Word or man’s word. Using a curriculum put out by Answers in Genesis, students will learn how to use the first 11 chapters of Genesis as the foundation for their worldview.
Second semester, students will learn to recognize other world views particularly in science and compare them to God’ Word. I have taught this course to middle school students for many years. Teaching it has changed my life. I pray God will use it to enable your child to stand confidently and solidly on God’s Word.