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Enriching, Mentoring, Mastering, and Achieving
29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
6-8 Photography
Total Fee
(100 + 25 materials)
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Students will need access to a digital camera (Compact Digital Cameras or DSLR Cameras are acceptable), Internet access throughout the week. Textbook: TBD
Class Description
Photographs are all around us, and each helps to tell a story. Now it’s time for you to create your story through photos you learn how to take in this course. Learn the basics of using a camera, lighting, and how to choose great subjects! This class is designed to help students become well-rounded in the fundamentals of digital photography. Topics to include history or photography, meeting your camera, photography as art, choosing a subject, elements of composition, backgrounds & foregrounds. Students will learn about photography with fun weekly assignments.
This class is on the Elementary/MS schedule
* materials fee for handouts, portfolio and photo prints.
Students can join in the spring
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