Enriching, Mentoring, Mastering, and Achieving
29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
6-8 Civics & Government
Total Fee
(70 + 10 materials)
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Textbook: The Land of Fair Play: American Civics from a Christian Perspective, 3rd edition (Christian Liberty Press)
Supplies: Pens/pencils
Notebook and folder or binder with notebook paper
Access to a printer (for email attachments)
Class Description
Does your student appreciate the freedoms of being an American and understand why she or he has those freedoms? In this course we will study government at the local, state, and national levels as well as learn about the civic rights and duties of citizens. We will examine the US Constitution, particularly the three branches of government described in Articles I, II, and III and the systems of checks and balances that allow this type of government to function properly. Students in this class also will gain an appreciation for the rights Americans enjoy due to the Bill of Rights.
In addition to completing weekly homework from the textbook and/or other sources, students will maintain a current events notebook, present current events reports, take quizzes and tests, and complete an Amendment project. In class they will regularly engage in interactive activities to review and reinforce their learning. Throughout the year they also will experience government at work by participating in such activities as passing their own bill, holding a mock election, and conducting a mini mock trial.
*Please note that this is the first half of a year-long course. Fall semester will cover approximately chapters 1-10. Students who enroll in spring semester will cover the remainder of the textbook and complete the course. The mentor reserves the right to adapt the schedule to the needs of the class.
** This class will follow the elementary/middle school schedule.
Textbook: The Land of Fair Play: American Civics from a Christian Perspective, 3rd edition (Christian Liberty Press)
Supplies: Pens/pencils
Notebook and folder or binder with notebook paper
Access to a printer (for email attachments)