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Enriching, Mentoring, Mastering, and Achieving
29 Years of Service to the Homeschooling Community
Homeschool Resource Classes
2-3 PE
Total Fee
(65 + 5 materials)
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Class Description
The class will focus on spacial awareness, balance, strength, coordination & endurance. Each class will start with a 10 min free play with fun equipment including hoops, scoops, jump ropes, balls, balance boards, stilts & big bouncy balls. Another 10 mins doing a stretching, strengthening routine followed by tag games such as; Octopus, Line Tag, Sharks & Minnows & Freeze Tag. Other games will be introduced as the class progresses into the 2nd Spring semester including 4 corners & Dodgeball. Weather permitting, the class will go outside & play Volleyball type games, Crosscountry running, Kickball, Gagaball & relay racing.
There will be a $5 materials fee, each semester, to cover the cost of buying new equipment & replacing broken ones.
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