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Homeschool Resource Classes
10-12 Adv Writing/World Literature
Total Fee
Class Prerequisites
Text / Materials Required
Text: Abeka World Literature (3rd or 4th edition)
Class Description
This class is the next step for those who have completed 8th-10th Foundations of Writing and Literature. Students will continue working through the academic writing process with specific emphasis on literary analysis. The main text is an anthology of world literature which includes a wide variety of genres and authors. Students will also read two classical novels during the course of the school year and create a literature portfolio during the spring semester. In addition to academic writing, there will be components of creative and reflective writing as well. Class time will be used for instruction, for writing, and for the discussion of authors, their works, and the historical framework in which their writing took place.
*New enrollment for second semester students is limited to those who have completed Foundations of Writing and Literature.